Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Red Pandas

Red pandas are in the same family as the Giant Pandas. They are also like raccoons, and can grow about the size of a house cat.  These cute little pandas live in Nepal, Myanmar (Burma) and Central China. Red Pandas live in the forest and spend most of their lives in trees. They are most active at night and love to play.  These animals will munch on bamboo like there giant black and white friends, but also enjoy eating other foods, like fruit, acorns, roots, and eggs. Enjoy watching this video on a cute, playful Red Panda: .

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Fall decoration

This is an awesome fall craft that my siblings and I made! It was super fun and messy! 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout, also called red band trout are beautiful fish. There coloring depends on habitat, age, and spawning conditions. The colors of the fish are generally blue-green or yellow-green with a pink strip on their sides. Rainbow trout are members of the salmon family, and can grow pretty large. These fish prefer to live in cool, clear rivers, streams, and lakes, though some will follow a river out in to the ocean. Rainbow trout  survive on insects, crustaceans, and small fish. When my family and I went fishing at a river in Sequim we caught some Rainbow trout!
 Did you know that Whirling disease causes Rainbow trout to chases their tails before dying. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

This is a drawing contest! Comment below on which one you think did the best!



Zentangle Drawings

Here are some Zentangle pages I drew in my mini sketch book. One looks like an ice cream without a cone! 

#2 ( which one is your favorite?)

The Human Body: Muscles

Our body has three different types of muscles, the smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscles. The smooth muscles are involuntary muscles. Which means they functions without a conscious thought. You will find a smooth muscle inside the stomach and in other hollow organs.  Our cardiac muscle ,aka the heart, is also involuntary. It  can also can be called the myocardium . It contracts and relaxes to pump blood through the rest of your body. Last but not least the skeletal muscles in our body are voluntary muscles, that are attached to your bones by tendons. They help us to move objects and pick things up. Run and climb and even brush our teeth. Just think what our bodies would be like without muscles!! Yikes


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Pumpkin crunch breakfast parfait

How to make Pumpkin crunch breakfast parfait......

What you need: 1/3 cup maple syrup, 1/4 cup canola oil (or coconut oil), 1/3 cup pumpkin puree, 3 Tbsp brown sugar, 1/2 tsp kosher salt, 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon, 4 cups rolled oats,1/2 cup hulled pumpkin seeds ( pepitas) 1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins, and 4 cups vanilla yogurt.

1) Preheat the oven to 350 F.
2) Add maple syrup, canola oil, and pumpkin puree into a large bowl.
3) Add brown sugar,salt, and pumpkin pie spice. stir until combined.
4) Add oats and pumpkin seeds. mix well.
5) Spread mixture on a baking sheet.
6) Bake for 25 minutes total, removing the pan from
the oven every 10 minutes to stir.
7) Stir in dried cranberries and cool granola completely
(it will crisp)
8) To build a parfait, add a large spoonful of yogurt to the
bottom of a serving dish then sprinkle the granola. repeat that
two more times to make layers.

Hope you enjoy!  
Here comes the Fall

My favorite season of all

When the trees turn red and yellow

And the clouds look as soft as pillow

Here comes the fall

When the leaves come down

They will turn orange and brown

Then we can go pick pumpkins from the ground!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Blue Grosbeak

 The Blue Grosbeak is a stocky songbird with a very large triangular bill that seems to cover the entire front of its face, from the throat to the forehead. Often they sing while perched at high points in the shrubs or small trees or of their open or shrubby habitats. Their habitats are usually at old fields beginning to grow back into woodland.  Blue Grosbeaks mostly just eat  insects such as grasshoppers,  crickets, and beetles.  

Search Results

Here is a picture of some Poppy flowers. I learned how to draw this off a fun website called  You should try some of their awesome drawing videos.


 Hello everyone! On my blog I will be posting 
lots of fun crafts, writings, recipes, and maybe some videos. Hope you enjoy!  

Friday, September 30, 2016

How to make S'moreos

This is a fun recipe that my family and I wanted to try and its called S'moreos. 

What you need: Oreo cookies ,  marshmallows, and chocolate bar.

First you will need to get your fire ready to start roasting the marshmallows, then you need to open up your Oreo cookie, then place a piece of the chocolate bar inside. After you are done roasting your marshmallows put them in your Oreo cookie then you have a delicious S'moreos cookie.